7 Days to a Cleaner Home – Introduction

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7 Days to a Cleaner Home - Introduction - Homemaking Organized
This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series 7 Days to a Cleaner Home

This is part 1 of the series 7 Days to a Cleaner Home . The series that details how I get my home in company order (and a better place to live in) in 7 days.

Every so often, I take a look around my home and realize that things have gotten out of hand.

Clutter is everywhere – dishes in the sink, clothes scattered about, junk mail and papers piled high on the dining table. And let’s not even mention the dust!

We all have our own standards of cleanliness, and I’m no exception. I like my home to be clean, but it’s easy to get out of sync. Our home gets messy and lived in, and it’s about time I take action.

I’m not alone in this struggle. My family feels it too, and we all seem to feel it at the same time.

So, I’ve developed a system to get our home back in order.

I prefer to clean alone, but I highly recommend involving your family in the process. My husband takes care of the outside tasks, and our daughter is responsible for her bathroom, bedroom, and helping with the kitchen.

7 Days to a Cleaner Home - Introduction - Homemaking Organized

To tackle the chaos, I give myself about a week to clean and get things back in order. This isn’t a deep cleaning plan, but rather a surface cleaning and tidying up to bring peace back to our home plan.

I may also take notes on areas that need further attention, like the pantry, kitchen cabinets, closets, laundry room, and garage.

Clean Your House in a Week - Introduction

Each day, I’ll share the steps I take to bring order back to a different room in my home in my 7 Days to a Cleaner Home Cleaning System.

Clean Your Home in a Week, 1 Day at a Time

This article series contains the steps I take to bring back some order to my home in a week’s time. Use it to create your own week long home rejuvenation.

This 7-Day Cleaning System is not a Spring Cleaning plan, but rather a regular maintenance routine to keep the home tidy and peaceful.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Set a timer for 30 minutes per room (occasionally 45 minutes to an hour if needed)
  • Focus on surface cleaning and tidying up, not deep cleaning, organizing, or decluttering.
  • Moms of littles work around nap times or involve small children in the process.
  • Don’t overwhelm yourself – take it one room at a time
  • Keep up the daily order in your home by continuing daily habits like putting things away, washing dishes, and clearing surfaces.
  • Adjust the room order based on your personal energy levels and schedule
  • Use to-do lists and cleaning lists to stay focused and on track

Use this series to create your own week-long home refresh!

Next up, we’ll start with the Bathrooms.

Series NavigationThe Bathrooms – Day 2 – 7 Days to a Cleaner Home >>